Sorry for the start-and-stop posts on this blog recently. There's been a lot of intercession classes (me),terrible time-consuming and exhausting work projects (Andy), and tornadoes 10 miles or so North of us (which is right on top of us in tornado land). I managed to spit out a Julep post before my intercession course (which was awful by the way), but now that it's ended. I've decided to finally post Ipsy (a month late and 3-4 tornado scares later).
So for those of you who don't know, Ipsy is a monthly subscription bag that comes roughly on the tenth of each month. It costs $10 a month for the subscription, and you get 4-5 beauty products alongside a makeup bag every month. And while some of the items are sample/small size, you get a few that are regular sized. It's always been worth my money.
So let's start at the beginning:
Ipsy comes in a pretty pink bag that lightens up your mailbox.
Here's the lineup for this month including the cute spring chevron bag that goes with the "spring fling" theme, which I'm valuing at $8:
First item on the list is a concealer cake from Yaby Cosmetics. It's small, I already have a concealer, and honestly I was a bit put off by the color, which is honey. Because it doesn't really match my skin tone, and concealer is typically supposed to be lighter than your skin tone/foundation so that you can blend it better and so that it
hides blemishes instead of highlighting them. And honestly, it's not
too dark, but it's also not not light enough. I was disappointed because typically Ipsy picks things that match my skin tone. Lo and behold, that was not the case this time. It's wearable, but I typically stick with my own concealer. For those who have received previous Ipsy bags, it can go inside your magnetic Glam RX palette. It's price tag comes at $4.85 over at
yaby's website.
Image from Yaby Cosmetics |
Next on the list was a Shimmerati Glimmer Gloss from Mirabella. Which I was excited about because I love lip stuff. All lip stuff. Lip liners, lip sticks, lip gloss, chap sticks. All of 'em. And then I opened the package and the thing had busted everywhere inside of the box. Luckily it didn't escape the box and get over everything else. Once I got it out and cleaned up, I did notice that the lid was faulty, but that the gloss was intact and usable, but not for carrying with.
On to talking about the gloss itself. It's a pretty red color, the site describes it as "ruby red", but I wouldn't go that far. My lips aren't that red and it barely tints them, but what it does do is pretty enough and it doesn't taste funky or anything (yay!). So I was still pretty excited and happy overall.
Image from Mirabella |
The cost on this bad boy over on
Mirabella's site is $24 normally, but is on sale for $16 (probably because of Ipsy). That's still a pretty penny for a gloss though.
Next on the list is a perfume roller from Pacifica in Island Vanilla. Which I expected because Ipsy has a love affair with Pacifica or something (who knows). I mean, I don't really mind because their stuff smells good, but I do mind because it almost always has almond in it, which I'm allergic to and I don't really like rashes no matter how nice they smell.
This fortunately doesn't have almond in it, and it's a nice summer day smell because you can't wear Coco Chanel's Noir everywhere, even though I totally would regardless. The only problem I have is that the smell wears off quick. And I thought "well, it's just me getting used to the smell, like people do". Nope, it wears off to the point that the only time anyone can smell it is if they're smelling your actual wrists or neck where you put it on (thanks, Andy. You didn't know I was testing things on you, but I totally was). They can't be talking to you and smell it. They can't be hugging you and smell it.
"Well maybe you're just not putting enough on, Katie. God, you're so judgmental and harsh." Nope, tried that too. Put WAY too much on, still couldn't smell it like... half an hour later. Which is fine, it doesn't smell so nice that I want to like, waft it into everyone's noses all the time forever and ever, amen. Also, maybe my roller is faulty, because I can't really control the amount that goes on sometimes (I didn't actually try to put too much on, it just sort of opened up and spat a whole bunch out on me).
The cost for this bad boy over on
Pacifica's site is $12.
Yet more things were waiting for me inside of my Ipsy bag, becuase I also received a Zoya nail polish in "Piaf". I liked the name, because who doesn't like Edith Piaf, but I'm not so sure I like the color. I haven't tried it on, so I'm not the best judge. But it just kind of looks... sickly. I don't know. I've seen some people with it on, and it looks better Zoya's site, but still. It costs $8 on
Zoya's site.

In this bag was yet another Pacifica item, this one with almond in it. It was Pacifica's Coconut Crushed Pearl Bronzing Body Butter. I have several issues with this. a.) almond, b.) it doesn't bronze, and c.) it smells like coconut. We've already covered that I don't like rashes, regardless of how nicely they smell. But when they smell like coconut, I especially don't like them. Because I don't like the smell of coconut. Don't get me wrong, to a normal-- not crazy and picky and neurotic person it probably smells fantastic. But to me, it smells like coconut. Finally, it doesn't bronze. I tried it on my leg, just to see if it "instantly added a sun-kissed glow" or if it made m
e "radiate from the inside out". You know or any of the other things that the website promised me it would do. Mostly it just added a lot of sparkles. Which isn't the same thing. If the joke's not too old yet, I'm not a vampire and I don't sparkle when the sun hits me (or maybe I'm just a real vampire and I burst into flames). Anyway, the body butter is $24 over at Pacifica's website.

Finally, we hit the jackpot with the final item (which I'm sorry, but the picture's upside down). It's $110 off of a hair styling tool or extensions and a free thermal pouch (which is worth $19) from NuMe. The thing is, the cheapest styling tool they have, you still owe $18, but hey-- paying 18 dollars is better than paying 128 dollars. Overall, this one item is worth $129. And I checked, just in case it was a misprint and my code works.
With everything added up minus the bag, this Ipsy bag was worth $201.85 minus the chevron bag and 209.85 with the chevron bag added in. Overall, I would say $10 dollars for $200 dollars worth of product is a pretty good deal, wouldn't you? If you'd like an Ipsy bag, you should head on over to
Ipsy's site and get in line. Last I checked, they'd gotten through the waiting list and were just taking new people on, but that may have changed.