Friday, July 5, 2013

A Day in the Life; or, alternatively, Listen to Me Talk about my Life

I know it's been awhile, but it's been stressful for Andy and me. Andy's been struggling with work, where there are big changes happening and a lot of the work is getting put off on her. I've had a summer class, two jobs and financial aid breathing down my neck. Safe to say, it's been a rough couple of months.

But things are starting to look up!

We've found a good apartment. It's in a good part of town, close to campus/work, has several bus stops and includes a security alarm (those of you in big cities will be shocked to hear that in Oklahoma, no one thinks you need a security alarm, who knows why). But now that we've found an apartment we had to find the perfect puppy.

We needed a small breed, that's smart, easy to train, hypoallergenic and friendly. It came upon us suddenly (after many hours of research and me vetoing nearly every small breed), that a Miniature Schnauzer would be the perfect breed.

For a long time we didn't think we would find a good breeder, and the ones we did find were RIDICULOUSLY overpriced. As in, you don't pay that much for designer breeds. When we'd given up on getting a puppy before Christmas, we found the perfect one. An excellent, ethical breeder popped up on our front door. Fifteen miles from our door to be exact. And they had just had a litter that would be ready to pick up in August, a good week or two after our move-in date. We looked at some pictures of the puppies they had available and found this little booger, at the time only 2 days old:

He's a Chocolate and White Parti Mini Schnauzer and we knew we'd found our puppy. We worked out some payment details with the owner (who was happy to work with us since she knew he would going to a good home).

After several weeks of waiting, he finally opened his eyes and we received new pictures.

While the pictures aren't great quality, you can see how precious and sweet he is. 

But that's the main things in our life right now. The move and puppy will be happening at the time that the August Ipsy and Julep boxes come in, so those posts will be a little late and you can expect a lot of pictures of the new pad and puppy. I'm about to go crazy with pampering for this pooch. 

Ipsy My Glam Bag for June 2013

Hey everybody!

The June Julep review is taking a bit longer than planned to get up a go, so in the meantime we'll skip on ahead to the June Ipsy My Glam bag Review!

For those of you who don't know, an Ipsy bag is one of the options for those of us who like to partake in monthly online subscription boxes/bags. Ipsy focuses on beauty products and as such they send you 4-5 items, sometimes even full size, for $10 a month.

The lineup this time is pretty strong:

The theme this month was "On the Wild Side", I thought the card was particularly pretty, but I don't understand how this bag really represents anything on the "Wild Side", so you can expect my interpretations to follow as captions. 

Are you in the jungle and afraid to put your
head in the water for fear of piranhas?
I bet you are, because you're wild right?  

So the first thing on the list is a can of psssst! Dry Shampoo. And I was kind of spectacularly not impressed. Because... I just... wash my head when it starts to feel gross? I mean... I understand that some people might be camping or whatever, but you're camping. I doubt you're camping for so long that your hair is in that kind of shape. Also, you're camping. The point is to rough it, not come with about fifty beauty products to replace your at home luxuries. But maybe I'm just being too judgmental. It's available over here for $3.50.

Need to create that perfect look of dappled sunlight on your
camo makeup? Look no further than this highlighter stick.
This is Chella's Ivory Lace Highlighter Pencil. While I don't know how this is "on the wild side", it is fantastic. I really like the color, consistency and it stays on a lot longer than powder highlight. It's not chalky or anything and blends well. It looks great for a pinup or vintage look. And this one stick is worth $18 over at Chella's website.
Need to create a distracting sparkle for escaping wild animals?
Raccoons and Squirrels go wild for these shimmers. 
This is J. Cat Beauty's Sparkling Cream Palette. And the problem I have with it is there is no way to use it without looking ridiculous. At first, like everyone I thought it was eye shadow. I would have never used it as that (because God, can you imagine?), but apparently it is dangerous to use it as an eye shadow, because the sparkles can get it your eyes and mess your junk up. What it's supposed to be used for is to add sparkle to your face. The problem with that is... look at those colors. What skin tone would it work on? None. They're too fake looking. And I know that makeup is fake anyway, but I like to look like I have some idea of what a human looks like, and we don't sparkle and we don't have those skin tones. Regardless, it's $4.49 over at J. Cat's website.
Need to look flushed in order to look virile enough to
fight off enemies? Look no further than this blush.
This is NYX's Rouge Cream Blush in Natural. It's a little dark, but applied properly looks pretty good. It can be hard to apply, because cream blushes have both the benefit and problem of sticking where you put it. So you need to spread it really well to make it look natural, blending the edges really well. The problem after that becomes when you try to blend it with your fingers, you make your face flushed by friction and then it's hard to tell if it's well applied for if you're just flushed. Over at NYX's website, they're selling it for $6.

Need to create the look of a poisonous animal by emulating the
unnatural brightness that screams DANGER? Just slap some
of this across your lips. 
This is Starlooks lip pencil in Tipsy. The problem for me is that the color really clashes with my skin, and not in an "oh this is artsy and cute" sort of way, but in a "you look like a nine year old playing with mommy's lipstick". It's available at Starlook's website for $12.

This actually reminds me of Snooki. The color and print contrast just scream's Snooki to me. I usually rate these at $8, and this time is no different. It's a good bag, holds a lot and is sturdy. 

Overall, I didn't like everything in this bag, but there are a few things I'm really happy about. The overall cost is $43.99 without the bag and then $51.99 with it. So for something you spent $10 bucks on -- it's a good deal.