It is time for another Thursday Thoughts. |
We have been very busy with moving into our new apartment, getting a kitty, and work/school taking over the majority of our time. But here are some updates.
Katie and Merri |
We got a new kitten named Merriel. She certainly keeps us on our toes and sometimes up at night. However, she is settling in really nicely. Please ignore the remnants of our unpacking.
My New Desk |
I am currently volunteering at the Sam Noble Museum of Natural History. It is a really great oppuntunity and providing me with the skills that I need desperately.
Us Daily |
Mostly we have just been so busy between work and school and everything else. We have also set up a little fundraiser for ourselves that we would love you to take a look at. You can find the link
Here. Please check it out. Share it with your friends. Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)