Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

I am linking up with Ramblings (as we call her around the house) today. She was actually the person who pushed us to create a blog and make it our own. We thought how neat it was that she was sharing her life so we wanted to share ours.

 So here are my Thursday Thoughts:

~ This has been one of the worst weeks on record in our household. We were both sick this weekend. She was sick Saturday and I was sick Sunday. Money has been short with my old student loans pounding at the door and her current financial aid causing her fits. Then Tuesday we learned our hamsters were found by our maintenance people so we had to give them up. (It was truly heartbreaking.)

She made me these biscuits Sunday to cheer me up.
 ~ However, I am ever the optimist.
Toddlers and Tiaras also helps.
~ So I have a date planned for us this weekend. England Inspired. We are going to eat at a Gastropub in town, watch the second season of Downton Abbey, and I will make her various British treats. (and make a trip to Dunkin Donuts because she loves that place, maybe I will put a union jack on it so it goes with the theme.)

~ We are in serious apartment hunting mode. We aren't picky. Just somewhere that we can have a puppy and our upstairs neighbor doesn't play advance mode on his Dance Dance Revolution game at 2 a.m. in the morning. That's not asking too much, I don't think. ;)

~  Mostly, as usual, my thoughts are on my girlfriend. She is doing her student observations today. I know she is going to be brightening the minds of numerous young kiddos. I mean who wouldn't want to be taught by the prettiest girl in the world?

Guys, this is my favorite human being.

Who wouldn't fall instantly in love with her?

This girl, I swear.
~ I hope everyone else has a wonderful Thursday. I know we are definitely going to try and do our best with it.


  1. Hi! Stopping by from the RoaSM linkup. I totally share the Downton Abbey obsession. Like, as in I signed up for the Netflix dvd subscription JUST so I could watch Season 3 before it aired on PBS. I hope you end up finding an awesome new place to live!

  2. I am cracking up that you have a nickname for me around your house. LOL!!!

    I NEED to start watching Downton Abbey!!!

    Ramblings of a Suburban Mom
